Join Our Cause

The States Project, a joint venture between Harvard University’s Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School, the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government, and the American Education Foundation, is dedicated to providing fair, reliable, nonpartisan information about the “state of our states” to citizens in a way that is interesting and easy to understand. If you choose to donate to the States Project, through the American Education Foundation, a 501(c)3, you will help us expand our efforts to produce financial reports for a half-dozen U.S. states in the upcoming year. We hope to make “the States Project” an ongoing resource for the important discussions on state finance.

If you are a concerned citizen:

If you are affiliated with a university(a student, administrator, professor):

  • You can nominate your university to join our network and to produce annual reports of your state by emailing us.
If you are a potential partner or funder:

  • We are currently recruiting support and raising money to continue our work by covering more states and including more universities in 2013. Find out how you can become our partner by emailing us.